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the Building Performance Podcast

Nov 14, 2010

Today we talk with Tom Bassett-Dilley, architect in Chicago, about choosing air sealing instead of geothermal systems, how to lead clients into the light, and how to build a high performance building team. Audio quality issues are still being ironed out, thanks for your patience!

Sep 22, 2010

Today we talk with George Kerr, founding father of CO safety and president of CO Experts, about the science and history of carbon monoxide safety throughout industrialized countries.

May 29, 2010

Today we talk with Marge Anderson, Associate Director of Energy Center of Wisconsin, about research on green jobs, retrofits, utility programs, and certifications.

May 15, 2010

Today we talk with Dennis Stroer, owner of Calcs Plus, once just a guy who installed air conditioners, and now a brilliant heating/cooling load calculations specialist, helping HVAC contractors across the Southeast get it dead right in residential and commercial...

May 1, 2010

Today we talk with Keith Williams, owner of Building Services & Consultant LLC and trainer of thousands of air sealing, insulation, and diagnostics professionals across the Midwest.