Aug 11, 2021
Today we went deep with Matt Risinger ( the challenges builders face from their industry, their traditions, and their clients. Part of our upcoming Season Two of 'Home Diagnosis' TV, which you can see at:
Dec 26, 2017
Today Corbett talks with Bill Lazar of St. Johns Housing Partnership about how his organization built hundreds of affordable homes in St. Augustine, Florida, that are scientifically superior to the million dollar mansions going up across town. Recorded from the #TinyLab on the Proof Is...
Jul 26, 2016
Today Corbett talks with Matt Ringer of Risinger Homes (and YouTube fame) about insulation/outsulation, building science facts/fiction, and the classic dilemma of building anything well: it's complicated. Sponsored by Fall Fast Track, the only 6-week distance mastermind course in home...
Jul 9, 2015
Today Corbett talks with Ken Levenson of 475 High Performance Buidling Supply about Passive House gaining a foothold around the world, what it takes to build for performance, and why the materials and components have to be shipped across the ocean to get to us. Sponsored by Fall Fast Track- the 6 week distance...
May 3, 2015
Today Corbett talks with Dan Louche of Tiny Home Builders about the challenges, specialties, and impacts of having an army of homeowners-to-be designing and building their own tiny homes. Sponsored by the Building Performance Workshop Training...